
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Self Evaluation:

1.  Visual strengths and ways to improve- Overall I think that I have strong parings and compositions. I think that I can look into ways to on improving the the transition from my photos to the line studies. I need to play around with the integration of type more.

2. How is the photograph- I believe that all of my photos a legible, composed nicely, and are engaging. While working on the layout of my compositions I tried to keep in mind the overall composition, flow of the negative space and the  clearness of my images. I dissected and assembled my images in illustrator to ensure that I didn't lose photo quality due to the blurriness of the scanner.

3. How is the line study- I believe the quality of my line studies are decent. The images of my projection studies could be sharpened up a bit.

4. Integration of type- I believe my choice of type is good but the integration of my type needs work. It is just not quit there yet.

5. Principles- I tried to keep all the design principles in mind when creating my posters. I used the principles of alignment, continuation, scale, and framing in multiple compositions. I just need to keep these principles in mind when going about making my next set of iterations.

6. Communication to the neighborhoods- I believe that Some of my posters are doing a good job of communicating the neighborhoods. I need to make some adjustments on the others in order to make them stronger.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fun stuff

This is just a super fun sketch for a girl I work with. It is potentially a design for a tattoo.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Periodic Table of Typefaces

Fun find!


This is one of the perks of my night time photo-safari. I am wanting to use this amazing, friendly fellow as the inspiration for a poster design. I am thinking of using it for a Halloween theme or maybe a some kind of information graphic. As of right now I am leaning more towards the informative poster. 


   One aspect of the movie Typeface that I found to be very interesting is that people want their posters/design to be louder than the one next to theirs. I find this aspect of the movie to relate strongly to a classroom environment. It seems as though there is always someone that set the bar for the rest of the class. This causes the class to up their game or try harder to improve their own work.  I find the classroom to be slightly less competitive as what I assume the advertising world is like. I believe this drive makes for the production of great design and the personal improvement of designers.

     A second aspect of the movie Typeface that I found interesting is that type doesn't have to be legible to be beautiful. I am a huge fan of type that is beautiful but not necessarily legible. I believe that the expressions of type can speak even louder than the legibility. This expression of type causes people to look at type as an image/composition rater than a information graphic. I believe that both expressionistic type and information type both have their own specific place in the world of design and that both are equally important.     

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Typography Inspiration

These are a few inspirations that I have found while on  my exploration of designing my own typeface. 

Find and share

All of these images relate to my line studies. Some of the studies are related due to their grid like structure and some are related due to their regularity. 

Typography site-

Final word layout

This is my final layout for my bitmap words. I chose to display them in this order based on their case and their length as a word. I think all of these words are very appropriate for the the item(arrow post-its) which I used to create the font.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Viscom reading

In Lupton's The New Basics I found several relationships with our current project. Such relationships as the  use of lines to create rhythm and time. I saw a lot of rhythm and time in my group's progression studies. I also recognized a relationship with the reading and certain of our studies that used lines that are ambiguous and reversible. We also used the spacing and thickness of the lines to create plains for our studies which was also mentioned in the reading.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

bitmap words

These are my word that I chose to relate to arrow post its.

An attempt at a characterture inspired by Jackie

Decided to take some time out of my sleeping in order to create this super fun characterture. The angry facial expression is due to the lack of sleep and the want of a break away from homework. I am undecided on the background. I might throw in some abstract dot compositions or maybe some complex line studies.