
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Self Evaluation:

1.  Visual strengths and ways to improve- Overall I think that I have strong parings and compositions. I think that I can look into ways to on improving the the transition from my photos to the line studies. I need to play around with the integration of type more.

2. How is the photograph- I believe that all of my photos a legible, composed nicely, and are engaging. While working on the layout of my compositions I tried to keep in mind the overall composition, flow of the negative space and the  clearness of my images. I dissected and assembled my images in illustrator to ensure that I didn't lose photo quality due to the blurriness of the scanner.

3. How is the line study- I believe the quality of my line studies are decent. The images of my projection studies could be sharpened up a bit.

4. Integration of type- I believe my choice of type is good but the integration of my type needs work. It is just not quit there yet.

5. Principles- I tried to keep all the design principles in mind when creating my posters. I used the principles of alignment, continuation, scale, and framing in multiple compositions. I just need to keep these principles in mind when going about making my next set of iterations.

6. Communication to the neighborhoods- I believe that Some of my posters are doing a good job of communicating the neighborhoods. I need to make some adjustments on the others in order to make them stronger.

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