
Friday, October 8, 2010


   One aspect of the movie Typeface that I found to be very interesting is that people want their posters/design to be louder than the one next to theirs. I find this aspect of the movie to relate strongly to a classroom environment. It seems as though there is always someone that set the bar for the rest of the class. This causes the class to up their game or try harder to improve their own work.  I find the classroom to be slightly less competitive as what I assume the advertising world is like. I believe this drive makes for the production of great design and the personal improvement of designers.

     A second aspect of the movie Typeface that I found interesting is that type doesn't have to be legible to be beautiful. I am a huge fan of type that is beautiful but not necessarily legible. I believe that the expressions of type can speak even louder than the legibility. This expression of type causes people to look at type as an image/composition rater than a information graphic. I believe that both expressionistic type and information type both have their own specific place in the world of design and that both are equally important.     

1 comment:

  1. Nice reflection about the film. You brought up some points that I haven't seen referenced in other blog posts.

