
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bitmap typeface 3

This is my third typeface design. This design is the most structured of the three. I used thick stems and even serifs to make this typeface more solid. 

Bitmap typeface 2

This is my second typeface design. This design is slightly more structured than my first with bold bottom serifs.

Bitmap typeface 1

This is my design for my first typeface. It is more of a script typeface with thin curvy lines. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Color and emotion

Tried to match names of the colors as best as I could. Not too many of the names grab your attention. I will try to be more clever in the future. 


One of the most interesting moments in Helvetica for me was the conflicting idea about type being expressive. At first you hear that type should not be expressive and that it should be strictly informative. Then you hear that type has personality and that it can be expressive. I personally believe that type is both. Type should be used appropriately to communicate in a manner that suites its content. I find myself being drawn to fonts that are more expressive than informative. I can appreciate good design with informative type though.
Chinese graffiti

These are examples of type that are expressive. These would not be ideal for something that is supposed to be informative

My second favorite moment from Helvetica was when Helvetica was mentioned as a default. I find this very interesting. Why would Helvetica be considered a default? Is Helvetica too safe? I believe it is a strong typeface for something that is informative. I also believe that helvetica should not be viewed as a default. I think that it has its own appropriate uses just like every other typeface. 

In no way does this express how I feel about Helvetica


Introduction to FontStruct from fontstruct on Vimeo.

Everyone should check this out!

Simple Image Color Comparison

The swatches to the right show the difference between the CMYK and the Pantone colors.  I started trying to match my pantones to my cmyk by using photoshop to sample my colors but they were not matching up when I would select them in illustrator. I then tried to match the colors by eye and that became very time consuming and not very efficient. So I began to search for a more efficient solution. In illustrator I was able to use the color guide window to change my colors from cmyk to the pantone. This produced a window of the pantone swatches that were close to my cmyk swatches. I then just went about selecting the pantones from this library to get the results I have posted with my image.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dots and the way I used them.


I used proximity of the dots to show a misplaced piece to a puzzle.


I used scale to show a correspondence among pieces


I used correspondence to show a relationship among certain dots and their place


I used scale to show a hierarchy among my dots and a sense of movement.


I Used scale change to show an agitation and sense of movement among my dots.


I used scale change and continuation in order to suggest movement.


I used scale change and proximity in order to show movement in a joyful manner.


I used continuation to suggest a sense of leaving or giving up.


I used proximity in order to suggest completion


A formal approach to dot compositions really helped to keep a clear organized outlook on my project. I found myself repeatedly referring back to things such as mind maps and sketches throughout the process of making my book. Using this formal approach also helped me to keep my focus on my concept of the book which is the relationship between puzzles and their solutions with a focus on the feelings created by puzzles. I believe my image selection shows a strong reflection of my theme. I was able to use the imagery of the dots and the imagery of the background as a way to reinforce my theme. I was able to use the types of puzzles, the colors of the puzzles, and the background imagery as a way to make my pages cohesive. In order to make my book stronger conceptually I believe I could have found a more interesting way to show the relationship between the puzzles and their solutions.

I had a lot of difficulties throughout this project. I believe because of these difficulties that I have learned a considerable amount. I now have a much better understanding of thinking abstractly. I also feel as though I have perfected my technique with an exacto knife. I strongly believe in quantity over quality because of this project.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mozilla Firefox logo history

Mozilla Firefox- The creation of the Firefox logo was a group effort among Daniel Burka, Stephan Desroches, and John Hicks. Daniel Burka was responsible for the concept of the logo, Stephan Desroches provided the sketch for the logo, and John Hicks rendered the final design for the logo. Firefox was actually renamed several times due to complications with other trademarks. The original name for firefox was actually Phoenix but there was complications with phoenix technologies. The next decision for the name of the company was Firebird. This caused conflict with the firebird data base. The final decision to make firefox the official identity of the company was made on February 9, 2004. November 9, 2004, Firefox 1.0 was released.

I find it comical that a fire fox is actually a small, red panda.
Not real! I was fooled as well.

Vaughn color star with C,M,Y,K percentages

This is my version of the Itten color star. I figured out my C,M,Y,K percentages for my shades and tints based on math. I used the template that was given to us for the yellow tints and shades as a comparison and guide for the other tints and shades. The primary and secondary colors were provided by illustrator. In order to find the tertiary colors, I found the median between the primary and secondary C,M,Y,K percentage values. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Final word choices and title for Theme:

Piece by Piece

1. Unresolved
2. Objective
3. Process
4. Enjoyable
5. Misleading
6. Vexing
7. Complete
8. Addicting
9. Ignored

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This is my grey scale rendering of the Mozilla FireFox logo with a reflection of the logo onto a surface. I was able to render this effect by using a group of gradients with a low opacity. I believe this was my most successful grey scale study. 

Quality vs. Quantity

I have always been the kind of person who focuses in on the quality of my work opposed to the quantity. I find myself being limited by this attention to quality. I plan to take what I learned about quantity in my critique today and explore the idea of quality vs. quantity. Hopefully this will produce a better quality of work for me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Edited word list for my new theme. Can you guess what it is?

1. Confusing
2. Difficult
3. Challenging
4. Bewildering
5. Vexing
6. Mysterious
7. Pieces
8. Objective
9. Addicting
10. Satisfying
11. Perplex
12. Enjoyable

Friday, September 3, 2010

Finished Clarendon "F" anatomy

This is the begining of my Clarendon uppercase "F" anatomy project. Showing a little scale.
My third drawing of the Bodoni uppercase "F"
My Second drawing of the Garamond lowercase "F"
This is my first drawing of the Clarendon Uppercase "F"
It all began with a single "F" that was stored in the uppercase.